The Fund’s Mission

Pursuant to the provisions of its Bylaws, the Fund’s primary objective is to raise the value of its assets in order to secure funds to implement the Decommissioning Programme as well as coordinate, prepare and develop the Krško NPP Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Programme.

The Fund’s mission stems from the obligations assumed under the Bilateral Agreement (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” – International Treaties, no. 9/02).

The Fund’s primary mission and objectives are: 

  • raise half of the amount required to implement the Krško NPP Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste (RW) and Spent Nuclear Fuel (SNF) Disposal Programme, in a timely manner. According to the applicable Krško NPP Decommissioning Programme (Rev. 1 from 2004), Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. from Zagreb shall deposit EUR 14.25 million annually into the Fund. The deposits shall continue until the permanent shutdown of the Krško NPP or until such time as the planned amount of funds, set out in the applicable Decommissioning Program, is reached;
  • through effective investments, maintain and increase the value of assets to secure sufficient funds for the decommissioning of the Krško NPP and RW and SNF disposal and prevent any undue transfer of assumed liabilities onto future generations;
  • in collaboration with the expert organisation from the Republic of Slovenia and the Krško NPP, continually audit the Krško NPP Decommissioning Programme and the Krško NPP Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal Programme, in accordance with the obligations under the Bilateral Agreement concerning the necessary amount of funds, technologies and scenarios for the decommissioning and RW and SNF disposal as well as the relationship between the contracting parties;
  • implement the provisions of the RW, DS and SNF Management Strategy as well as the applicable National Programme concerning the Krško NPP RW and SNF disposal and the establishment of the Radioactive Waste Disposal Centre in Croatia.

To foster the prerequisites needed for a successful resolution of these goals, the Fund has begun to target and assemble local scientific and professional resources and build collaborations with relevant international organisations.

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