

In 2017, the cooperation between the Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško NPP and the Bulgarian State Enterprise Radioactive Waste (SERAW - www.dprao.bg) was established, which resulted in expert visits of the Fund’s employees to SERAW’s facilities. The cooperation project with the company SE SERAW is led by the Sector for Coordination of the Preparation and Development of the Programme for Decommissioning and Disposal of RW and SNF from the Krško NPP.

The expert visits included a tour of the Kozloduy Nuclear Power Plant site, the solid radioactive waste treatment facility and the conditioned radioactive waste storage facility, four reactors that are decommissioned with an interim storage facility, and a visit to the Radiana site with a radioactive waste repository under construction.

The storage facility for conditioned radioactive waste consists of two storage areas in which reinforced concrete tanks with low and intermediate level radioactive waste from the nuclear power plant are stored. The radioactive waste repository is a surface cassette-type repository (like most European repositories), with multiple protective barriers for the disposal of low- and intermediate level radioactive waste that has been pre-treated, protected and packaged in reinforced concrete tanks. Radiana is located 3 km from Kozloduy NPP.

During the next visit, the operation of the permanent repository for institutional RW Novi Han was presented. The repository was designed in 1964 as a near-surface facility for the disposal of low- and intermediate level radioactive waste arising from the use of radioactive sources in medicine, industry, science and education. As the repository has not accepted new waste since 1994, a Central Storage Facility for the treatment and interim storage of newly generated low- and intermediate level radioactive waste and disused sources of ionising radiation has been established at the same site. The Novi Han site includes repositories and storage facilities, a laboratory for waste reception and treatment, as well as a decontamination facility, as well as administrative facilities, garages and a space for training.

As part of the expert visit, a workshop was held on the system for the disposal of institutional RW and disused radioactive sources in Bulgaria.

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