According to the Ordinance on the Method of Payment of Funds for Financing the Krško NPP Decommissioning and RW and SNF Disposal (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 50/06 and 77/06), Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. is required to deposit €14.25m annually, in HRK equivalent, based on the average exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank on the day of payment, over 19 years in four quarterly instalments starting in 2004.
Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. deposited the funds into the state budget account of the Republic of Croatia; with the opening of the Fund’s account, the deposits have been transferred to the Fund’s account.
The Regulation was in force until 29 December 2008 and was then replaced by the Ordinance on the Amount, Deadlines and Method of Payment of Funds for Financing the Krško Nuclear Power Plant Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Disposal (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 155/08), effective as at 30 December 2008, which requires Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. to deposit €14.25m annually into the Fund’s account, in HRK equivalent, based on the average exchange rate of the Croatian National Bank on the day of payment, with the caveat that the amount may be amended in accordance with the Intergovernmental Commission-approved revisions of the Decommissioning Programme and Krško NPP RW and SNF Disposal Programme.
Uredba je bila na snazi do 1. siječnja 2023. godine, a zamijenila ju je nova Uredba o iznosu, roku i načinu uplate sredstava za financiranje razgradnje i zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva Nuklearne elektrane Krško (“Narodne novine”, br. 156/22) koja je stupila na snagu 1. siječnja 2023. godine. Novom Uredbom se propisuje da je Hrvatska elektroprivreda d.d. dužna od 1. siječnja 2023. godine uplaćivati na račun Fonda iznos od 9.760.000,00 eura, u četiri tromjesečne rate godišnje, svaka u iznosu od 2,44 milijuna eura. Novi anuitet je određen sukladno Trećoj reviziji Programa razgradnje NE Krško i Programa odlaganja radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva, potvrđenog na sjednici međudržavnog povjerenstva 14. srpnja 2020. godine.