The Regulation on the payment method to finance the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of NPP radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 50/06) – nije na snazi od 29.12.2008.
The Regulation on the amount, deadlines and payment method to finance the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of NPP radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel (Official Gazette “Narodne novine” no. 155/08) – nije na snazi od 1.1.2023.
Uredba o iznosu, roku i načinu uplate sredstava za financiranje razgradnje i zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva Nuklearne elektrane Krško (“Narodne novine”, br. 156/22) – na snazi od 1. 1. 2023.