Pravovremeno prikupiti polovicu sredstava potrebnih za provođenje Programa razgradnje NE Krško i zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada (RAO) i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva (ING).
Učinkovitim ulaganjem očuvati i povećati vrijednost sredstava tako da se osigura njihova dostatnost za razgradnju NE Krško i zbrinjavanje RAO-a i ING-a.
U suradnji sa Slovenijom izraditi sljedeće revizije Programa razgradnje kojima bi se definirala visina potrebnih sredstava, scenariji razgradnje i zbrinjavanja RAO-a i ING-a.
Provoditi odredbe Strategije zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva koje se odnose na poslove zbrinjavanja RAO-a i ING-a iz NE Krško.
Today, radioactive sources and materials are applied in various fields, such as science and medicine, industry and agriculture, and energy engineering. Every use of radioactive materials inevitably generates radioactive waste, be it in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases, as components in smoke detectors and lightning rods, or in research or electricity production in nuclear power plants. Radioactive waste is any waste material that contains concentrations of radionuclides above prescribed limits. Such waste requires safe disposal methods to prevent risk to human health and the environment.
Compared to other countries worldwide, Croatia produces a low volume of radioactive waste; however, this waste still needs to be disposed of. Other than institutional waste from the medical sector, industry, science, etc., Croatia is also required to ensure the disposal of one half of the radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel generated by the operation and decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant, of which the Republic of Croatia owns 50%.
The Fund for financing the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and the disposal of Krško NPP radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel was founded to this end in 2008. The Fund engages in the collection, preservation and increase of the value of funds required to finance the drafting, review and implementation of the Programme for the decommissioning of the Krško Nuclear Power Plant and disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel according to Articles 10 and 11 of the Bilateral Agreement, te poslovi koordinacije pripreme i izrade Programa razgradnje i odlaganja radioaktivnog otpada i istrošenoga nuklearnog goriva Nuklearne elektrane Krško sukladno Strategiji zbrinjavanja radioaktivnog otpada, iskorištenih izvora i istrošenog nuklearnog goriva (Official Gazette “Narodne novine”, no. 125/14). The Fund is also required to set up a radioactive waste (RW) disposal facility in Croatia, i.e. the RW Disposal Centre.
You can read more about the disposal of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel, the activities and obligations of the Fund, the obligations of the Republic of Croatia, as well as European and global practices in the management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel on our website.
Acquisition, maintenance and increase of the value of assets financing the preparation, review and implementation of the Krško NPP Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Waste Disposal Program
Coordination of preparation and drafting of the Krško NPP Decommissioning and Radioactive Waste and Spent Nuclear Waste Disposal Program
Management of radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel from the Krško NPP, institutional radioactive waste, and establishment of the Radioactive Waste Management Centre